We will select 27 reporters who will volunteer to create an original vision of volunteering activities throughout the European Union. Each relay reporter will visit two organisations in an EU country other than their own and produce a series of video, audio and written reports about their activities.
If you have volunteering experience and a background in film and journalism, you can apply to be one of the 27 reporters. You will spend 12 days reporting with our professional HDV camera. You will then have five days to edit two short films, two radio chronicles and a written article. An award will be given to the best story. The award ceremony will take place in Warsaw at the end of the year.
You will be also given a pocket video camera to produce, from your own country, one short web video each month over 10 months. These media products will be offered to television companies, radio stations, and press and Internet groups in the 27 EU countries, creating a global vision of volunteering in Europe.
To enter the selection process, please send the following information in English by e-mail: